Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboThis is an update to the ANDROID Appcelerator Titanium Alloy JPUSH Push Notification Module You can find the main post about these modules here: I have added two new functions – Local Notification, to…
Titanium Alloy Nice Swipe Menu Functions
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin Weibo// open containerWindow $; // Listen for android back button and close all Views on top that might be displayed $.containerWindow.addEventListener('android:back', closeNavigationView); // add app EventListener to openCloseMenu Ti.App.addEventListener('app:openCloseMenu', function(e) { openDrawer();…
Appcelerator Titanium Alloy JPUSH Push Notification Module – iOS and Android, China Push Notification- NON GCM
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboLatest Appcelerator Titanium Alloy JPUSH Push Notification Module – iOS and Android, China Push Notification- NON GCM As you may know Chinese Android phones do not ship with the Google Play store –…
Titanium Alloy iOS Android Modules: Analytics, Push Notifications – Events, User Profiles, Messaging – Google Analytics Alternative
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboLatest Titanium Modules with Messaging Support: Alloy iOS Android Modules: Analytics, Push Notifications – Events, User Profiles, Messaging – Google Analytics Alternative. Countly is an innovative, real-time, open source mobile analytics application.…
Titanium Alloy iOS Android Modules: – Google Analytics, Flurry Alternative – Android Module Updated – Segmentation Event Tracking – Example
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboUPDATED VERSION: Titanium Alloy iOS Android Modules: Analytics, Push Notifications – Events, User Profiles, Messaging – Google Analytics Alternative I have recently had to move away from Google Analytics for our Titanium Alloy…
Titanium Alloy iOS Android Module: Custom Alert Module to replace Titanium.UI.AlertDialog
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboBelow is the code I created for a Custom Alert Module for Titanium Alloy that runs on both iOS and Android – it is used as a replacement for the Titanium.UI.AlertDialog For this…
Appcelerator Titanium Alloy JPUSH 模块 – 安卓推送模块 - 国内可用的安卓推送
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin Weibo你好, 新版本 》 你们都知道国内安卓的手机几乎不支持谷歌的服务,所以GCM不可用。 对于国内的推送,建议用JPUSH(极光推送)。 我做了很多研究,没有找到任何好的Titanium Alloy JPUSH 模块。我在这个博客上找到了一个几乎不能用的,借鉴了一些,然后写了自己的模块。 所以这是我自己为Titanium Alloy写的JPUSH模块,该模块已经测试,能够直接使用。 因为写出该模块花费了不少精力,所以你需要支付一定费用才能下载使用。 ****本人不提供任何安装或使用支持**** 点击下方来付款并下载Titanium Alloy JPUSH 模块 你支付后会收到一封邮件,邮件中有具体下载链接。 ##安装说明 1. 将已下载的zip放在你APP的root中,build app——Titanium 会自己安装 2. 将这一行添加到tiapp.xml <module platform="android">com.yeshcp.jpush</module> 3. 将这一行添加到tiapp.xml来避免安卓crash bug <property name="" type="bool">true</property> ## app 设置…
Module: Appcelerator Titanium Alloy JPUSH Push Notification Module – Android, China Push Notification- NON GCM
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboUPDATED VERSION: Appcelerator Titanium Alloy JPUSH Push Notification Module – iOS and Android, China Push Notification- NON GCM Hi, As you may know Chinese Android phones do not ship with the Google Play store…
Bug: Embed font TTF not displaying Android 4.4 Kitkat , 4.3 JellyBean – FIXED use OTF
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboThere is a Bug in Android 4.4 KitKat when using embedded fonts, it does not display the TTF version of the file. The simple fix is to simply use the OTF version of…