Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboThis is a Linux Backup Script to Backup all the needed Settings and Databases of your Server It supports both Local and Remote Backups as well as Backup Rotation and can be…
How To: Linux SSH KEY Password Free Automatic Config Authentication – Backup, SFTP, SCP
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboThis is a guide on how to set up a Password Free SSH Key Automatic Config Authentication between two servers so that the Origin Server can log in to the Destination Server and write the files to the Destination…
How to: GDI USB Printer on DD-WRT v24-SP2 (HP Laserjet 1000 / 1005 / 1018 / 1020 / P1005 / P1006 / P1007 / P1008 / P1505 on Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H)
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboAt home, I happen to use a Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H??router (with an external Fiber modem) and a cheap HP Laserjet printer. The printer is a GDI (meaning it has no PCL or Postscript support,…
How to Fix: Centos 6 SSH Stop/Restart Error – cat: /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboWhile setting up a new system I got this error. Stopping sshd: [ OK ]cat: /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled: No such file or directory/etc/init.d/sshd: line 50: [: too many argumentsStarting sshd: [ OK ] To fix:…
How to: CentOS Virtualmin MySQL Slow Query Log Setup and View
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboHow to setup Slow Query Logging in MySQL in Virtualmin on CentOS. Steps: 1. Setup Slow Query logging for MySQL 2. Setup MySQL slow Query log viewing in Virtualmin 1. Setup Slow…
How to: CentOS Virtualmin Automated Remote Back-ups with rdiff-backup – PUSH
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboAfter my guide on setting up Rdiff-Backup to PULL backups from another server, I setup Two-factor SSH and Virtualmin Authentication via Google-Authenticator – having set this up I did not want to allow Public Key…
How To: CentOS Two-factor SSH and Virtualmin Authentication via Google-Authenticator
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboThis is my guide to setting up Two-factor SSH and Virtualmin Authentication via Google-Authenticator on CentOS. What is Google OverviewThe Google Authenticator project includes implementations of one-time passcode generators for several mobile…
How to: CentOS Vitualmin SSH Welcome message – MOTD and Banner
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboAdd the Message of the Day and Banner lines to the SSH config: Edit: /etc/ssh/sshd_config Uncomment: PrintMotd yes The option PrintMotd specifies whether the ssh daemon should print the contents of the /etc/motd file when a user…
How to: CentOS Virtualmin Fail2Ban
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboBasic description of what will be done and what is expected. 1. You need the EPEL repo and Fail2ban: yum install fail2ban 2. Edit the jail.conf to configure it for your needs: The…
How to: CentOS Virtualmin secure SSH
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboAfter you have setup your server (See:How to Setup Virtualmin on CentOS 5) SSH is one of the first things you need secure, and make sure it is done well as you will receive…