Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboThis is a guide on how to set up a Password Free SSH Key Automatic Config Authentication between two servers so that the Origin Server can log in to the Destination Server and write the files to the Destination…
How to: Getting OpenVPN to run on random ports
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboThe trick that I found was not to make OpenVPN run on multiple ports, but instead to get iptables to forward any and all connections coming into a range of ports to the…
How to: Amazon EC2 / AWS Ubuntu OpenVPN
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboSign up for Amazon AWS. I won’t go into detail on this because there are many tutorials out there already. Amazon entices new users with a free tier so if you don’t have an AWS account already you…