How to: CentOS, Virtualmin – htaccess rewrite index.php, redirect .php to no extension, rewrite non .php to .php

Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboHere is a quick guide on how to 1.  rewrite index.php to root 2. redirect .php to no extension (non .php) 3.  rewrite non .php to .php using a .htaccess file To do…

How to: Display Joomla 2.5 Modules in a Position in Template override, component, module – Without Using jdoc Tags

Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboThere are times where you might want to display a module or modules of a position on your Joomla 2.5 site`s outside the context of the site default template / index.php – perhaps…

How to: MySQL search and replace, PHPMyadmin, Joomla Params etc.

Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboBelow are a few SQL statements I use to search and replace the value of params in Joomla, in this case I added another value. UPDATE  `joomla_database_name`.`j15_modules` SET  params = replace(params, '"cache":"0"', '"backname":"1","backlink":"1","cache":"0"')…

How to: CentOS 5 Virtualmin Joomla 2.5 Memcached PHP client library

Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboInstalling and setting up the Memcached server Memcached is available as a ready-made package in the Remi  repository. So lets install the Remi repository first: cd /etc/yum.repos.d wget Memcached server install yum –enablerepo=remi…