Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboHow to setup Slow Query Logging in MySQL in Virtualmin on CentOS. Steps: 1. Setup Slow Query logging for MySQL 2. Setup MySQL slow Query log viewing in Virtualmin 1. Setup Slow…
How to: CentOS Virtualmin Add Cronjob – Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly Missing – Fix
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboHow to Add or Fix the Cronjobs tab in your Virtualmin running CentOS or most other Systems. If your Virtualmin >> System >> Scheduled Cron Jobs tab does not contain the Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly…
How to: CentOS 6 Virtualmin Logwatch Install and Configure – Mail to Email – Disable Service Monitoring – Debug and fix – MySQL and HTTP Error
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboThis How to contains instructions on how to install and configure Logwatch 7.4.0 on CentOS 6 running Virtualmin, and how to – Configure Mail to Email – Disable Service Monitoring – Debug and Fix…
How to: CentOS Virtualmin PHPMyadmin Disable Root Logins and Force SSL
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboAfter you have installed phpmyadmin with virtualmin into a domain there are two things you need to change in the phpmyadmin config file for this to work The phpmyadmin file can be found…
How to: CentOS Virtualmin Automated Remote Back-ups with rdiff-backup – PUSH
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboAfter my guide on setting up Rdiff-Backup to PULL backups from another server, I setup Two-factor SSH and Virtualmin Authentication via Google-Authenticator – having set this up I did not want to allow Public Key…
How To: CentOS Two-factor SSH and Virtualmin Authentication via Google-Authenticator
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboThis is my guide to setting up Two-factor SSH and Virtualmin Authentication via Google-Authenticator on CentOS. What is Google OverviewThe Google Authenticator project includes implementations of one-time passcode generators for several mobile…
How to: CentOS Virtualmin Server Backups to Dropbox
Linode CentOS Virtualmin – Disk Quotas cant turn on
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboI installed Virtualmin onto a Linode running Centos 6, but ran into some error. Failed to create virtual server : setquota: Cannot stat() mounted device /dev/root: No such file or directory setquota: Mountpoint (or…
Filezilla and ProFTPD – GnuTLS error -53: Error in the push function
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboI was setting up and testing my ProFTP on a new server as I stated in this guide: How to: CentOS Virtualmin secure ProFTPD After testing I got this error in Filezilla: GnuTLS…
How to – CentOS Server Timezone Change UK (GMT 0)
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboSetting the timezone on CentOS It’s a fairly simple operation. There are loads of timezone data files stored in: /usr/share/zoneinfo So for my CentOS install, to set my machine time on runtime to London time(GMT),…