Below is the code I created for a Custom Alert Module for Titanium Alloy that runs on both iOS and Android – it is used as a replacement for the Titanium.UI.AlertDialog
For this module to work in Android you need to be able to target the spesific window, to do this we set a Alloy.Globals var
In app.js
// set Alloy.Globals.openWindow Alloy.Globals.openWindow = '';
In every new Window eg. index.js
// set Alloy.Globals.openWindow Alloy.Globals.openWindow = $.indexWindow;
// require module customAlert in app/assets/lib/ var customAlert = require('customAlert'); //createAlert AlertDialog with params var notificationData = { cancelIndex: 2, // The Index is used to identify the Cancel button - It will always be appended to the end of the Button List buttonNames: ["YES","NO","CANCEL"], // AS MANY BUTTONS AS NEEDED CAN BE ADDED HERE message: "The Message", title: "The Title", click: function(e){ //START IF - Check what Button was clicked and run appropriate Function if (e.index == 0){'The YES Button was clicked'); }else if (e.index == 1){'The NO Button was clicked'); }else{'The Cancel button was clicked'); }; //END IF - Check what Button was clicked and run appropriate Function }, }; // show notification;
Module Code:
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Start customAlert Functions /// = function (data){ var title = data.title; var message = data.message; var cancelIndex = data.cancelIndex; var buttonNames = data.buttonNames; // START IF - iOS or Android if ( == 'iPhone OS'){ // Set alertWindow var alertWindow = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundImage: '/images/transparent_black.png', // YOU SHOULD ADD A 1px X 1px semit-transparent image to your resources folder }); }else{ // Set alertWindow var alertWindow = Ti.UI.createView({ backgroundImage: '/images/transparent_black.png', // YOU SHOULD ADD A 1px X 1px semit-transparent image to your resources folder width: Ti.UI.FILL, height: Ti.UI.FILL, }); }; // END IF - iOS or Android // create alertView container var alertView = Ti.UI.createView({ backgroundColor:'white', opacity: 0.90, borderRadius:5, width: "85%", height: Ti.UI.SIZE, layout: 'vertical', }); // create alertTitleView var alertTitleView = Ti.UI.createView({ width: Ti.UI.FILL, height: Ti.UI.SIZE, }); // create alertTitleLabel var alertTitleLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text: title, color: 'black', textAlign: 'center', font: { fontSize: '20dp', }, touchEnabled: false, top: "15dp", left: 5, right: 5, }); alertTitleView.add(alertTitleLabel); alertView.add(alertTitleView); // create alertMessageView var alertMessageView = Ti.UI.createView({ width: Ti.UI.FILL, height: Ti.UI.SIZE, }); // create alertMessageLabel var alertMessageLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text: message, color: 'black', textAlign: 'center', font: { fontSize: '16dp', }, touchEnabled: false, bottom: "15dp", left: 5, right: 5, }); alertMessageView.add(alertMessageLabel); alertView.add(alertMessageView); // set buttonArray var buttonArray = []; // set cancelButton var cancelButton = ''; // START Loop - through Menu Buttons and create for (var m=0; m<buttonNames.length; m++){ // set buttonIndex var buttonIndex = m; // START IF - iOS else Android if ( == 'iPhone OS'){ // Start Create alertButtonRow var alertButtonRow = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({ className:'buttonRow', height: "45dp", width: Ti.UI.FILL, top: 0, layout: "vertical", selectedBackgroundColor: "#c8c8c8", }); }else{ // Start Create alertButtonRow var alertButtonRow = Ti.UI.createView({ height: "45dp", width: Ti.UI.FILL, top: 0, layout: "vertical", }); }; // END IF - iOS else Android // create alertButtonView var alertButtonView = Ti.UI.createView({ width: Ti.UI.FILL, height: Ti.UI.FILL, backgroundSelectedColor: "#c8c8c8", buttonIndex: buttonIndex, }); // create alertButtonView var alertButtonSeperator = Ti.UI.createView({ width: Ti.UI.FILL, height: "1dp", backgroundColor: "#c8c8c8", top: 0, }); // START IF - check buttonIndex and set vars if (buttonIndex == cancelIndex){ var fontSizeVar = '14dp'; var colorVar = 'black'; }else{ var fontSizeVar = '18dp'; var colorVar = '#639a13'; }; // END IF - check buttonIndex and set vars // create alertButtonLabel var alertButtonLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text: buttonNames[m], color: colorVar, textAlign: 'center', font: { fontSize: fontSizeVar, }, touchEnabled: false, left: 5, right: 5, }); // add eventlistener to Button alertButtonView.addEventListener('click', function() { if ({{index: this.buttonIndex}); // START IF - iOS or Android - CLOSE WINDOW if ( == 'iPhone OS'){ alertWindow.close(); }else{ var currentWindow = Alloy.Globals.openWindow; currentWindow.remove(alertWindow); }; // END IF - iOS or Android - CLOSE WINDOW }; }); alertButtonView.add(alertButtonSeperator); alertButtonView.add(alertButtonLabel); alertButtonRow.add(alertButtonView); // START IF - buttonIndex is cancelIndex set cancelButton else add to buttonArray if (buttonIndex == cancelIndex){ var cancelButton = alertButtonRow; }else{ buttonArray.push(alertButtonRow); }; // END IF - buttonIndex is cancelIndex set cancelButton else add to buttonArray }; // END Loop - through Menu Buttons and create // Push cancelButton to end of buttonArray buttonArray.push(cancelButton); // START IF - iOS or Android if ( == 'iPhone OS'){ // Create tableView with rows as buttons var buttonTableView = Ti.UI.createTableView({ data:buttonArray, width: Ti.UI.FILL, height: Ti.UI.SIZE, separatorColor: "transparent", scrollable: false, }); // add buttonTableView to alertView alertView.add(buttonTableView); }else{ // START Loop - through createButtons and add for (var b=0; b<buttonArray.length; b++){ alertView.add(buttonArray[b]); }; // END Loop - through createButtons and add }; // END IF - iOS or Android // add alertView to Window alertWindow.add(alertView); // START IF - iOS or Androdi OPEN WINDOW if ( == 'iPhone OS'){; }else{ var currentWindow = Alloy.Globals.openWindow; currentWindow.add(alertWindow); }; // END IF - iOS or Androdi OPEN WINDOW }; // END Function - customAlert Functions // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Titanium Alloy iOS Android Module: Custom Alert Module to replace Titanium.UI.AlertDialog