I recently bought a very cheap ZTE U791 that I wanted to use as a debugging device while developing an Android app.
It took me a whole day to find the correct drivers that would work, Windows 7 64Bit made it even harder.
Like every Android phone, you have to install ADB and its drivers to access the Android Debug Bridge.
To install the ADB intereface simple install the Android SDK if how have not already.
You will then have to install the Phone drivers on Windows:
You can check in the Device manager to make sure there are no devices with exclamation marks once you have installed the drivers below!
I tried tons of drivers to get it to work – the one that worked for me was the Debug Drivers below – but you might need to install both:
ADB Drivers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/97j5umkfj2j2zjh/Spreadtrum-Drivers.7z
Debug Drivers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9a06k9elqh4qyt/SCI-android-usb-driver-jungo-v4.7z
Then you will have to tell ADB what phone to use. By that I mean adding the PCI ID to a text file to tell ADB that this peripheral is compatible.
The Spreadtrum PCI ID is 0x1782
add this line to “Your user directory/.android/adb_usb.ini”
for example
If the file does not exist create it.
Add this Code:
Then the phone should work and be detected by your PC:
To test navigate to your Android SDK Directory and run: adb devices
C:\sdk\platform-tools adb devices List of devices attached 19761202 device
On a Mac you would also need to add this Vendor ID – it is however easier and you also have the ability to FIND the Vendor ID for the specific phone.
Add the Vendor ID to the following file:
You might have to kill and start the ADB server with
adb kill-server<br /><br />adb start-server
To find the Vendor ID on a Mac all you need to do is
1. Plug in the Phone
2. Click the Apple Logo
3. Hold the Control Button and Click on System Information
4. Open the USB and then the USB Phone Section
You should see something like this
Thanks very much. The drivers were so helpful.
Pls want want to root my sprd w7 with CPU sc8810.i tried kingroot and iroot but the android is not root.what should do?
Thanks,…. It works like a boss.
Auto USB Driver…
u saved me thannnnnnks
i came to your post because i’m searching for a Spreadtrum driver for my Logicom 501 phone which is blocked on the recovery menu.
the package you provide via the dropbox didn’t solve my problem, do you know if there is another package ?
hey bro thanx for this I am also searching the net for these drivers…
nice tnx
Hi, I have a HBT cell phone, in the sticker under the battery say x9 and not recognize my sim card only for emergency calls, supports phone company but I can´t do a call to my wife or son…. help me please..thank you.
Thanks, works like a charm.
Regards from Brazil.
where to add this code 0x1782
iwant to device thank u so much
k. i will try. is it possible to connect karbonn a51 phone to pc when it is switched off
bundle of thanks… it works for me
Glad I could help you with your Spreadtrum ADB needs!
I have a mmx a35 running stock android 2.3.5. I rooted the phone and after numerous attempts succeded in flashing cwm recovery n hence a custom ROM ‘bugless beast’ (i wish it did what it says). I want tto revert bavk to my stock rom and i have the tool which will help me do it. This tool requires me to install the drivers u mentioned above. But the problem is after the driver installation wizard has done its job, the google usb drivers are still not installed. i tried redoing everything but in vain. Is there nething tht i can do to get it installed?
Try to remove all the devices and restart – then plug in your phone and see what happens….you could also try a new system – maybe linux or mac?
i wanted to root my phone but it requested i install SPD drivers for the phone. Now i downloaded it but it was a winrar file and cannot install on the phone how do i do about it
Hi – You need to install the SpreadTrum Drivers for your phone on your PC – the easiest way to root your phone it to use my spreadtrum rooting guide here – http://kiteplans.info/2014/03/19/root-any-android-phone-spreadtrum-chinese-phone/
So I got my Simple S138 phone, not a spreadtrum, so maybe somewhat off-topic but I think I owe it DieSkim who kindly pointed to vroot.
Well as I said I would let vroot have a go at this one. It’s a brand new phone so I’m risking it but somehow vroot has given me enough confidence to run it.
This is a 1GB RAM/ 8GB ROM phone with a quad core MT6589 1.2G CPU, runs Android 4.2.1 (real, no fake 2.x), all in all a fast and modern phone.
First of all I checked on the phone with root checker to make sure it wasn’t rooted already, as expected.
I connected the phone and waited for windows to show the needed drivers, but they somehow were already installed so no need for me to google for them. I started adb to see if I needed to put the id in the ini file, but it was already recognized, great, saves time.
Then I started vroot and within one minute I had the phone rooted. Checked again with root checker to make sure. The great thing about root checker pro is that it gives much more info on su, sudo en busybox. Busybox wasn’t found so I installed it from the playstore, no big deal.
All apps where there, nothing changed so now I can go modify the phone to my needs, just great!
I love when things just work!
help me
Are you drowning? If not, maybe it’s a good idea to explain a little bit more?
DieSkim, you have one GetVRoot too many in that link, the correct one: http://www.mgyun.com/en/GetVRoot
Thanks. Edited
assist me how root m-horse 720 spreadtrum phone.
Hi, if you read some of the other comments you will see that its very simple to do. Get vroot from http://www.mgyun.com/en/GetVRoot – install and root the phone. It should be very simple.
hi,.i have a problem,.the yellow triangle problem solved except the usb mass storage. but when i type command to see attached devices,.there are no number appear,.anyone can help me??
Hi, try to remove all the drivers. Restart your computer. Unplug an plug phone in again. Install the drivers I attached. Then add the phones code to the adb_usb.ini file and place it in the correct location. The check if adb finds the phone.
Did you put your phone in usb debugging mode before connecting?
If it isn’t adb won’t work and the mass storage drivers have no effect on adb working or not even when the phones drivers are correctly installed.
If usb debugging is working the phone should not be in mass storage mode for adb to work.
Oops, sorry about the previous post being in spanish, that’s what you get from living in spainn…
Here’s the translation.
More info yet, maybe a little off-topic, but vroot also works with tablets!
After reading more about vroot, especially negative reviews like on xda where they talk about vroot sending things like the phone´s imei to a chinese server, I decided to try it on two spanish tablets I have, basically because these lack the volume buttons making it very difficult to get into recovery mode to do flashing. I tried a lot of programs to root them but without any luck so I thought it would be a nice try to see if vroot could do it.
The process is really the same as with a phone, connect, search and install the appropriate drivers, check with dba devices to see if it works (and maybe add the id in the adb_usb.ini file) start vroot, complete the root process and check with root checker.
In just about 2 minutes I rooted both tablets! Now these tablets don’t have an imei so I doubt very much that this will be send to a chinese server. I am in the computer business for over 40 years now and I’ve seen many people talk badly about certain programs just to avoid other people from getting knowledge and experience which they would rather keep to themselves.
Anyway I don’t care about this because I’m saving a lot of time with vroot and I think it’s always better to exchange experiences then to frighten people off. Hope this post helps some of you.
By the way, I forgot to mention that vroot does not wipe any data or application. I used it without backing-up as it didn’t matter to me and was surprised to see everything in place, data, apps, everything!
When the vroot process completes you’ll have a “completed” button on your pc screen while your phone still shows a usb connection screen with vroot. Click on the button on your pc and wait for the phone to reboot, it may take some time. After that your pc will probably ask for the modem drivers of the phone. At that point you can install them or disconnect the phone.
Happy rooting!
Another update regarding vroot:
I have an older A607 chinese mobile lying around which I had not been able to root with all the usual exploits. This one needs a MT6516 driver which I found googling. It has Android 2.3.1 so I was curious to find out if vroot works with this one.

Loaded the drivers, checked with adb devices to see if it was recognized, which it was and started vroot.
Within 2 minutes I had this one rooted!! I always check with root-checker pro (the payed one which gives all info on su etc) and it is ok.
Seems like vroot does a great job of rooting anything, knowing this I could have saved a lot of time with my htc chacha which I had to flash twice (bootloader and rom) to get it rooted.
Next month I will receive a Simple S138 and I will definitely let vroot have a go at it.
Hi, I have a feiteng D101 which after connecting the usb asked for the spreadtrum drivers. So I found this site and installed the debug drivers which worked flawless. I cheched the Id which indeed was 0x1782, so I created the ini file and did all the thing mentioned above, and adb devices responded correctly which meant my phone was recognized.
I was going to use the kingo method to try and root the phone but as DieSkim mentioned the Vroot software, I decided to give this a try first. Downloaded the file, installed it and did all the steps required (about two or three clicks nothing more), and YES I got my phone rooted. It runs Android 4.2.2 so this is great as I can now get rid of some stupid chinese games which only occupy memory.
Thany you all for th info.
Great!! Thank you for letting me know it worked for you!
i have a spredtrum phone.
i want to root the phone, but i am not having the usb drivers.
i tried so many drivers but they are not matching.
model details:
android version- 2.3.6
baseband version-
kernel version –
software version- 6820_2.3.6_c909_gxt_p187_v04
hardware version- 1.1.0
please help me to find out the usb drivers and a easiest way to root the phone..
Hi, while I was trying to find the drivers for my Spreadtrum Phone I did come across this Root Software that could root my phone – as I could read Chinese I was able to use it easily – it looks like they actually have a english version – http://www.mgyun.com/en/GetVRoot – try it and let me know
download kingroot from playstore and follow the instruction it will help you
Thank you!!!
I’ve been stuck on this for so long, you just saved me.
It worked for me. Had to just install the second driver”SCI-android-usb-driver-jungo-v4″.
I have a feiteng spreadtrum a7100 or they call it samsung a7100, a chinese clone.
Glad I could help – and glad to hear that driver works for so many phones!
Never thought I’d see this … you picked it up — the file was in the wrong directory:
D:\Android-Ashraf’s_method>adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
19761202 device
I tried it first by testing for device recognition in the directory I created with the the ‘simplified’ method … just by dropping the files into my program partition. I’ll put it back on the PATH and see if it works from elsewhere on the system.
I’ll get back to your blog if anything else crops up. Thanks again!
Great! Glad you got it working! Let me know if there is anything else I can help with!
I need help, because adb isn’t ‘seeing’ my phone in the devices list.
Your second driver file, SCI-android-usb-driver-jungo-v4.7, works fine, with the M-Horse 9500mini and the SC1820 chip. There are now no yellow [!] icons in the Device Manager (this is on Windows 7 SP1).
The vendor ID is confirmed in Device Manager to be the same as the one you gave, as follows:
I’ve installed adb (and fastboot) according to Ashraf’s method, shown here:
While its location was added to the PATH (as described) to make sure, I migrated to the directory, also, as you described, so now I’m on the Command Line at D:\Android (D: is my Programs volume).
adb_usb.ini was not present, so I created it in Notepad, and located it in the same directory as adb.exe. I tried it in two ways:
and when that didn’t work, I rewrote it, just containing:
By ‘not working’ — I mean, the command, adb devices, is followed by a blank line.
Checking the server status gives this:
D:\Android>adb start-server
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Ashraf’s method to install adb.exe seemed ‘lighter’ and more direct that the ‘official’ one in the link you gave, but I wonder if it’s giving the same result?
??? Does anyone see what I am missing ??? Any ideas ???
Hi, adb_usb.ini should not be located in same directory as adb.exe
add this line to “Your user directory/.android/adb_usb.ini”
for example
and only include the line
Nothing else needs to be added!
Let me know how it goes!
Hi DieSkim,
Thanks, and you’ve given me enough detail on VENDOR ID that I should be able to get it by plugging the phone into the netbook, running Bodhi Linux. I’ve done this with other devices, and from the Command Line, it’s lsusb. I’ll just use whatever ID appears there.
And, I see from your reply the file to be edited is on the _other_ device, not the one running Android, if that’s correct. I wasn’t sure about that, before.
Let me know if that last comment is wrong, please!
The Spreadtrum PCI ID is 0×1782”
But … since I have a different phone, could you please explain how, or where, you got this?
Not sure … is this ID number for your ZTE phone, for its SC8810 chip, or is it the same for _all_ Spreadtrum chips? Do the SC8810 and SC1820 chips have the same ID’s?
If you say it’s the same for all Spreadtrum chips, then I’m ready to go. But if you say it’s specific for your brand of phone, or for your chip model, please tell me how you found it, and then I could do the same and come up with the correct ID, for my own phone/chip combination.
Very good instructions, by the way … I suspect it could be used for similar phones, but just trying to ‘nail down’ the details that would make that possible!
Hi RonCam,
I believe those drivers should work for all the phones. You would however need to still add the ID to the adb_usb.ini file.
If you have a Windows machine it would be the – C:\Users\Peter\.android\adb_usb.ini file for example.
I have also figured out that you also need to add the ID even on a MAC – ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
I will also update my post with a way I found to be able to find the Vendor ID on a Mac – not sure how to find it on a PC. But since it is called a VENDOR ID I would say they might have one ID per cellphone make?
I would just add the ID I used and see if your ADB finds the device.
OK … just found out … unless you say otherwise, your phone has a Spreadtrum SC8810. My M-Horse 9500mini has a Spreadtrum SC6820.
You did lots of research to find the right driver for your phone. Did you come across anything that also works with the SC6820?
The manufacturer of your phone’s chip is Spreadtrum, but could you please give the chip number? Or, do the same drivers work for all Spreadtrum chips, so far as you know?
Can you please explain how to add this line to “Your user directory/.android/adb_usb.ini”…Give me a step by step
Hi BinRip,
Your user directory/.android/adb_usb.ini could for example be
If the file does not exist create it.
Thank you Dieskim…Still device is not shown..This is the hardware id of my device
The device driver is not installed..I tried so many drivers but nothings work..I’am working on windows 8 x64 os..plx help me
Hi BinRip,
I am sorry but I have not tried this on Windows 8 yet.