This is a short an easy guide on how to setup Virtualmin GPL on CentOS 5.
The Very first thing you want to do when you get your server is to secure your SSH.
As soon as you have your IP address and password for your VPS/Dedicated Server, login via SSH:
From another unix system:
ssh [email protected]
or from windows use putty:
simply put in your server ip and click connect
Login as: root
Password: use the password you got from your provider for your server
Now that you are logged in to the server, immediately change your root password
Now we can move on to the rest of the server setup:
Note: For security it would be better to implement a firewall (See: How to: CentOS 5 and Virtualmin Firewall Init Script
) and secure SSH (See: How to: CentOS Virtualmin secure SSH
) before you continue , but as this is written more for people who need Virtualmin to manage this would be a bit of a challenge and I will leave it out in this guide.
I always use vim as an editor: if you don`t have VIM installed you can always use nano or vi .
To install VIM on CentOS 5 run:
yum install vim-X11 vim-common vim-enhanced vim-minimal
1. Setup the Hostname:
Edit: /etc/hostname
vim /etc/hostname
Edit: /etc/hosts
vim /etc/hosts
x.x.x.x server1
Should look something like this in the end: localhost.localdomain localhost x.x.x.x server1
Edit: /etc/sysconfig/network
vim /etc/sysconfig/network
Make sure it contains your hostname:
2. Verify Hostnames:
Check that hostname is valid:
hostname --fqdn
It should return your the hostname you set.
If you still have hostname problems after a system restart see my post CentOS VPS Hostname resets or changes after restart
3. Now we have to make sure SELINUX is Disabled
Edit /etc/selinux/config:
vim /etc/selinux/config
and change the SELINUX line to:
Then to disable SELINUX on runtime lets run the command:
setenforce 0
it should return – setenforce: SELinux is disabled
4. Update your system:
yum update
5. Make sure Perl is installed:
yum install perl
6. Install Virtualmin:
Install wget so we can download the Virtualmin install script:
yum install wget
Get the Install script:
Run the install script:
When the installation has finished simply use your browser to navigate to the Virtualmin control panel to check if its working:
https://x.x.x.x:10000 ## where x.x.x.x is you server IP
Check out my
How to: Virtualmin Post-Installation Wizard
How to: CentOS 5 and Virtualmin Firewall Init Script
How to: CentOS Virtualmin secure SSH
as well as Server hardening and Basic Setup guides that follow:
I installed Virtualmin on the newest CentOS 6.4
This manual is so well written!. Everything is clear and everything worked perfectly.
It is hard to find really clear manuals. Most of the time things are not working. But this one is an examplefor others
Thanks so much DieSkim
Allard, Glad my guide helped you to install Virtualmin! Be sure to follow my other guides on basic setup as well as how to secure your server! I also have guides on how to backup to Dropbox, set up Google Authenticator and many more other things! Let me know if you need any help!
Thanks for that great article! 🙂
Followed it after a fresh CentOS 5 install and everything went just fine!
Awesome! Glad I could help! I have alot of other articles and things – let me know if you need any help with anything else!